Mr. Mohan Jhawar, aged about 50 years, is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is having more than 24 years of rich experience in the areas of accounts, auditing, finance, capital markets etc.
Mr. Mohan Jhawar has been appointed as a Director of the company with effect from 6th October,2005.He is related to the promoter of the company. From the year 2005, due to the dedicated efforts of Mr. Mohan Jhawar thee has been significant changes in the company like raising of funds through re-issueof forfeited shares,entering into the business of dealing in shares,securities and derivatives etc. He is also striving hard to find lucrative business operations in construction and infrastructure segment. Looking to his wholehearted contribution for the growth and development of the company,the Board of Directors of the company proposes to appoint him as the Managing director of the company.
Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.
–Colin Powell
Company’s board comprises of 6 Directors having considerable professional experience in their respective fields. Out of them 2 is independent director designated as non-Executive Directors. The Executive Directors includes Managing Director and whole time directors. The Board has an optimum combination of Executive and Non-Executive Directors and is in conformity with clause 49 of the listing agreement entered into with the stock exchanges in which the company’s ordinary shares are listed.
Mohan Jhawar – (Promoter and Executive Director). He is a Chartered Accountant. He is hard working and a pragmatic person. He is instrumental in forming a joint venture with a leading Infra Projects in india. Mr. Mohan Jhawar has been appointed as a Director of the company with effect from 6th October,2005. He is related to the promoter of the company. From the year 2005, due to the dedicated efforts of Mr. Mohan Jhawar has been significant changes in the company like raising of funds through re-issue of forfeited shares, entering into the business of dealing in shares, securities and derivatives, etc. He is also striving hard to find lucrative business operations in construction and infrastructure segment. Looking to his wholehearted contribution for the growth and development of the company, the Board of Directors of the company proposes to appoint him as the Managing director of the company.
Board and KMP




Devyani Chhajed